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Upload unlimited songs
Stats & Analytics
Sell via Gazata store Link
Sell via SMS R5/ download
Customer Support
Distribution 150+stores Spotify, Deezer
Gold Plan
for each 1 Year(s) with R300 for first 365 Day(s)
Sell your music on Gazata Music Store and also distribute to 150+ stores and get a store manager to assist you with your music.
Upload unlimited songs
Stats & Analytics
Sell via Gazata store Link
Sell via SMS R5/ download
Customer Support
Distribution 150+stores Spotify, Deezer
Gold Plan
for each 1 Year(s) with R300 for first 365 Day(s)
Sell your music on Gazata Music Store and also distribute to 150+ stores and get a store manager to assist you with your music.
1 Year Upload
Keep Track of Your Royalties
R6 Per Download
SMS Selling Option R3/SMS Download
ITunes , Spotify, You Tube 150+
Silver Plan
for each 1 Year(s) with R5 for first 15 Day(s)
This membership only allows you to sell your music on the Gazata Music Store.
Upload unlimited songs
Stats & Analytics
Sell via Gazata store Link
Sell via SMS R5/ download
Customer Support
Distribution 150+stores Spotify, Deezer
Silver Plan
for each 1 Year(s) with R5 for first 15 Day(s)
This membership only allows you to sell your music on the Gazata Music Store.
1 Year Upload
Keep Track of Your Orders
R6 Per Download
Get Support every Friday

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